By: Jacqueline Wilson
Language: English
Quality: Good
Genre: Children books Age 6-8, Children books Age 9-12,
ISBN: 9780440869887
SKU: BE500380854215
Pages: 410
Description: It's been weeks and weeks since I arrived at Miltree and I don’t like it one little bit. The boy in the next bed is horrid and Nurse Patterson has really got it in for me. Thank goodness I have my lovely Nurse Gabriel and Queenie, the beautiful hospital cat. She's my very best friend on the children's ward and she's curled up on my tummy right now, purring away. The doctors say my knee is mending, but it's hateful being stuck in bed all day. I do hope your cough is getting better too. Nan, I miss you so much. But maybe we'll both be well again in time to go to the Coronation. The book is torn in places.