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Barbara Mitchelhill 5 Book Collection

Andersen Press द्वारा
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पिकअप Dubai Digital Park, DSO पर उपलब्ध है

सामान्यतः 24 घंटे में तैयार

By: Andersen Press

Language: English

Quality: New

Genre: Children Books, Children books Age 6-8, Children books Age 9-12,

ISBN: 9781839133022

SKU: BEDKR900559

Pages: 64

Description: Eric is an ordinary boy who loves football, and hates tests. Unluckily, a big test is coming up! Then his Auntie Rose sends him a very strange present from her travels in South America: an ugly, stinky, stripy jumper with magical powers. It can turn the wearer into a genius, so long as it is never washed. Eric finds the jumper really does have a miraculous effect on his brain power - but can there be too much of a good thing? Titles in this collection: Eric And The Striped Horror Eric And The Wishing Stone Eric And The Pimple Potion Eric And The Green Eyed God Eric And The Voice Of Doom

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