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  • Best Fairytales for Children Online Book Store – Bookends
    يوليو 19, 2022

    Best Fairytales for Children

    Albert Einstein, the genius scientist once said “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” The word fairy tales itself is enough to...

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  • What Makes a Second Hand Book Special? Online Book Store – Bookends
    يونيو 22, 2022

    What Makes a Second Hand Book Special?

    There is a never-ending debate over second-hand books and new books, one which this blog aims to address. As you already know, we at Bookends are always team pre loved books! Let’s for a moment compare cars and books. This...

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  • New Year Resolutions and Genres From Bookends Online Book Store – Bookends
    ديسمبر 31, 2021

    New Year Resolutions and Genres From Bookends

    The best gift we can give ourselves on the eve of every New Year’s is a new year's resolution. One that can guide us towards self-help, progress and joy through tasks we pledge to do for our own betterment as...

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