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What Makes a Second Hand Book Special? Online Book Store – Bookends

What Makes a Second Hand Book Special?

There is a never-ending debate over second-hand books and new books, one which this blog aims to address. As you already know, we at Bookends are always team pre loved books!

Let’s for a moment compare cars and books. This comparison is odd, owing to the fact that cars and books have nothing in common; neither physically nor aesthetically and functionally. However, when we talk about second-hand books and second-hand car models, there are certain similarities between the two.

Firstly, we pretty much devalue a new car the moment we can drive off in it, the same with a book on opening it and turning the first page. Once we acquire ownership, both of these things instantly become used. We sure do get to enjoy the satisfaction of being the very first person to have access and ownership to these and oh the joy of the smell of a new car and a new book! The momentary happiness is unparalleled.

However, the problem is that these feelings fade. Ultimately a car is nothing but a mode of commute that helps you get from point A to point B while a book is a story read and done with. New or used, the functions of these things remain the same and this is where this analogy parts ways.

While the specifications of a car can change from model to model, the words printed in a book remain the same. It actually doesn’t matter whether you buy a copy of Oliver Twist that is 20 years old or a fresh copy printed only a day ago, the story is bound to remain the same. Books undergo revisions and special editions, yet the core content of a story is set in stone and there’s only too little someone can revise with stories.

Rather than disparaging new or old books, let’s take a look at why second-hand books don’t mean second-rate:

The Magic of Pre Loved or Second Hand Books:

#1 - They are cheap.

The first and foremost reason that most people choose to buy a used book is that it is much cheaper than getting a pristine brand new copy from the bookstore. Why spend AED 100 when you can get the same book for AED 30?

While all books have a certain intrinsic value, most reduce with age and the exceptions to this are rare books that fetch millions in auctions yet those aren’t the ones that a book lover seeks to read!

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#2 - They have a history.

While a brand new book has an untouched charm, the life of a second hand book has history and mystery. Pre-loved books might have been a gift to the seller by someone they loved, they might have dog-eared their favorite pages or even made small notes of what part of the story they connected to the most. When you read a pre-loved book, you also cherish the joys of something loved by others, something that is special and carries a mystique at the same time.

#3 - Pre-loved books have a unique charm.


Charm is not a measurable commodity nor is it something that can be manufactured in a factory. The charm of a used book lies in its imperfection, its musty odour and scuffed covers and illustrations that might belong to a prior timeline of publication entirely.

Even if a pre-loved book is a few months old, there will be a charm to it, one you can’t put a finger on that you won’t find in a brand new book.

#4 - They help with saving the planet:

It is possible to love books and the environment at the same time, especially when you buy pre-loved books from Bookends! Most often we buy a book, read it time and again and throw it away some years down the line. If you’ve finished reading the story, it doesn’t imply that the natural life of the book has come to an end.

online old books store uae

Second hand books are an effective example of recycling a perfectly good book. Hence, when you buy or sell a pre-loved book, you’re committing a noble act and contributing your bit to saving the environment.

Also Read: How to Cultivate a Lifetime Reading Habit

#5 - Sometimes, they might be your only choice:

New books don’t last forever and they don’t last at all if the publisher pulls the plug on them! That act makes a book a finite resource. Hence, at times like this, it is pre-loved copies of the book you’re seeking, one that isn’t subject to be published anymore that come to the rescue.

One must be grateful to people who treasure their books and deem others worthy to be reading them in second-hand circulation.

At Bookends, we believe when new simply is not an option, pre-loved books come into their own. We are an online book portal dealing with pre-loved books for all age groups.

Bookends is every bibliophile’s paradise; it is an online marketplace for selling and buying used books and pre-loved books with shipping all over the UAE. Discover our wide variety of second-hand books at the most affordable prices.

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