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The Comeback Story of Bookends: Rising Up After The Dubai Flood

The Comeback Story of Bookends: Rising Up After The Dubai Flood


As the proud mompreneurs of Bookends, a cherished haven offering preloved books for readers across Dubai and the rest of the UAE, we’ve faced our fair share of challenges. However, nothing could have prepared us for the devastating Dubai flood that recently swept through the country. The harsh Dubai storm paid us no mercy, and our store in Dubai Digital Park was submerged in water, leading to the heartbreaking loss of over 14,000 books! It was truly surreal, almost like a scene from a movie—our books are like our babies and we were forcefully hurled into feelings of devastation and helplessness.

Our mental health took a complete blow, but we’re happy to share that thanks to the resilience of our team and the support of our lovely community, we do have a remarkable comeback story; and we hope it motivates our readers to keep the faith and get back up when they fall.

The Dubai storm that shook us all

Despite our efforts, the rising water from the Dubai flood made it impossible to salvage most of our stock. By the time the authorities managed to pump the water out, four days later, our beloved Bookends store was left in ruins, with soaked shelves and drenched books piled on top of each other.

In those darkest hours amidst the Dubai storm, it seemed like the end of Bookends. We had to consider letting go of our dream of bringing used books to homes all over the UAE, but we knew deep down we needed to hold on to our last bit of hope. And so, from the depths of our despair, a remarkable story of resilience and community spirit began to unfold. After posting a message on social media explaining our plight and announcing the temporary closing of our online and offline bookstores, we were overwhelmed with messages and offers of help from local readers and volunteers—it moved us to tears. The love and support we received was nothing short of incredible, birthing one of the best comeback stories that rose from the brutal Dubai flood.

One of the best comebacks after the Dubai flood

After we reached out to our community, volunteers arrived at our bookstore in droves, ready to assist us in any way they could. Every day, dedicated individuals showed up, bringing their laptops to help us remove water-damaged books from our online database and to catalog and reshelve the surviving stock. They treated our books with the same care and love that we have always felt, and luckily some books survived the disastrous Dubai flood, despite no longer being in perfect appearance.

It took us around two weeks of continuous efforts to rise back up from our downfall, and we’re super excited to announce that our online bookstore is live again and back on track! Thanks to our amazing volunteers, whose selflessness and dedication have made an immense impact on the recovery of Bookends Dubai. We’re getting back on our feet, step by step, however our physical Bookends store is still under renovation. While we’ve come quite a long way, we definitely had to start from scratch and we’re still in the midst of trying to recover our loss of over 14,000 books.

At this stage, we’re accepting submissions of all kinds of used books, which will help us replenish our stock and continue serving Dubai's avid readers.

While there are 100 ways to motivate yourself, we hope our story gives you at least 1

Our journey through this tragedy has taught us lessons that will last a lifetime—about resilience and the power of community. It has shown us that it’s okay to ask for and accept help when needed and to never underestimate the kind generosity that exists in the hearts of those around us. The support from our volunteers and the broader community has not only helped us begin our recovery from the emotional and physical damage but also uplifted our spirits and reaffirmed our faith in the goodness of people.

At Bookends, we believe in the magic of books and the connections they foster. Despite the setbacks, we remain committed to our mission of bringing stories to our readers, sustainably reusing preloved books, and creating a space where the love for reading thrives. Together, we can turn the page to a new chapter filled with hope, resilience, and community spirit.

If you're looking for ways to stay motivated through tough times, remember that there are countless great comeback stories to draw inspiration from, including our very own personal struggle. Our experience at Bookends is a testament to the power of persistence, and not giving up when our world is shaken beyond our own control. We've witnessed some of the best comebacks and have our own comeback story to share, thanks to the unwavering support of those around us.

Thank you for being a part of our story. Your support means the world to us. Lots of love from Grace and Somia.

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