Mini Encyclopedia - How It Works (Mini Encyclopedias)
By: Belinda Gallagher;
Language: English
Quality: Like New
Genre: Education, Encyclopedia, Guide, Science,
ISBN: 9781782097921
SKU: BE501288905185
Pages: 384
Description: MINI ENCYCLOPEDIA - HOW IT WORKS is the mini/pocket book crammed with masses of knowledge about how things work for kids aged 8+. All of children s most niggling questions about technology and how things work are answered Did you know? fact boxes contain awesome facts that children will love Clearly labeled diagrams and illustrations showcase the inner workings of 150 different machines. This amazing encyclopedia for kids is small enough to slot into school bags, making this a fantastic resource for school projects and homework at key stage 2. The ultimate how things work book for kids, Mini Encyclopedia How It Works is a compact, comprehensive children's encyclopedia that uses clear, bulleted facts and incredible info panels to explain everything from the mechanisms of everyday modern gadgets to the technology behind space exploration. Every topic is supported by photographs, realistic artwork and detailed diagrams, and color coded sections make navigation through the topics easy and quick. Chapters and topic examples of Mini Encyclopedia How It Flat Screen TV, Mobile Phone, Digital Camera and Video Games Console Cars, Trucks and Mountain Bike, F1 Racing Car, 4WD Off-Roader and Fire Engine Emergency Police Patrol Car, Ambulance, Underwater Rescue Submersible and SAR Helicopter Speed Yamaha R1 Superbike, Mclaren F1 Supercar, TGV Bullet Train and Concorde Military M270 Rocket Launcher, M1 Abrams Tank, AH-64 Apache Helicopter and Type 45 Destroyer Giant Bigfoot Truck, Bulldozer, Mobile Crane and Tunnel Boring Machine Energy and Coal Mine, Nuclear Power Station, Solar Panels and Low-energy Transport Ships and Yacht, Racing Catamaran, Oil Supertanker and Submarine Hang-glider, Wright Flyer, Harrier Jump Jet and Boeing CH-47 Chinook Space Explore 1, Saturn V, Voyager 2 and Cassini-Huygens Amazing facts for kids to learn The first computer game using graphics pictures and symbols rather than words was noughts-and-crosses in 1952. The Rocket Racing League plans to hold races for rocket-powered cars and aircraft, each lasting between 60 and 90 minutes. The key to re-entry into Earth s atmosphere is to enter at the right angle. Otherwise the craft skips off the atmosphere like a stone bouncing off a pond s surface.